C ... Caribbean Seas at Cheriton Fitzpaine

C ... Caribbean Seas at Cheriton Fitzpaine Looking back northward toward Cheriton Fitzpaine from the Raddon ridge Photo Julie Sampson (The Blue Hour: A Portrait of Jean Rhys, by Lilian Pizzichini) A to Z of Devon places and Devon women writers - B During the very early 1960's for almost a couple of years two of the twentieth century's now most famous women writers lived within twenty miles of one another, in mid Devon. One was Sylvia Plath, who moved to North Tawton, in 1961 and left there late 1962; the other, Jean Rhys, who moved to Cheriton Fitzpaine in 1960 and stayed there until her death in 1979. Plath and Rhys are probably the two foremost C20 writers whose Devon home base/place must appear on this A to Z of Devon women writers places. Both authors have drawn countless followers and admirers to seek out their Devon homes and in Rhys' case, grave, in Cheriton's churchyard. One of these visitors remarked that findi...